life, a long story short remembering kevin samuels

Who is Kevin Samuels, and how was he able to make such an impact on the black community. Why did he die so early, one of the most powerful and most influential father/big brother, figure on the net is gone too soon. Everyone is wondering why such an important figure had to die. Lets take a quick look at this incident from two perspective, both spiritual and physical.

Kevin Samuels is an American Youtuber, Image Consultant, Dating Expert, Life Coach and Social Media Influencer from Atlanta, Georgia, United States. He was raised in the church, and he knew a lot about marriage relationship and what the Creator intended it to be

He Spoke Truth.

God founded marriage, and one way the devil fights against God is to constantly try to disrupt marriage. Kevin Samuels was caught in the middle of that very battle field. Because he spoke the truth. With that, he was able to flip a lot of misconceptions that was being implemented in society by God’s opps. These stumbling blocks are, to name a few, the “bad b8tch” the “strong black woman who doesn’t need a man for nothing” the “N word ain’t sh8t” the “I’m an educated strong black woman who doesn’t need a man but want a man” .and so on, for a lot of young men and women looking to build their life, these conceptions are noise making it harder to see the true purpose of family.

The truth hurts so Kevin Samuels had a lot of haters. A lot of people wanted him dead both from this world and the invisible world. Despite his personnel life he was a great man specially in the black community. I mean this guy was gathering black man in suites you already know how dangerous that could be. The day that black men are genuinely united to work towards one cause a lot of people and spirits are afraid of a day like this. This very thing is what Kevin Samuels was doing. Right before his death Now you see a reason why they might want him gone early.

Who can replace Kevin Samuels?

Now that a man that was doing such a great job by putting life into perspective for young black men and women, who is going to continue this great work. Who is going to guide the youth in this lost world. We need anchor. We need someone to tell us the truth about ourselves so that we can make sobering decision and progress as a people


Finally, There are a lot of negative talk on social media about how the man lived his life, but that doesn’t make his message untrue. One thing they can’t say about him is that he is a liar or he doesn’t know what he’s saying. The man was highly knowledgeable on the subject and he tells the ugly truth that they don’t want you to know. He pointed out the exact reasons that cause the failure of many black families in America. The only problem was when you start to defend marriage you have entered into a whole other whelm of combat. This space is highly contested by the enemies of God. In order for one to survive you have to have protection from the Most High.

Kevin Samuels put a lot of truth out he got caught up in the battle for human souls and he didn’t realize that. This battle has been going on every since Adan and Eve, the enemy tries to disrupt marriage to get man as far as he can away from their heavenly father and away from their earthly father. If one is involve in fixing marital issues and gathering of black man in suites, one needs security both in this world and in the spiritual world because there are spiritual warfare going on continuously for the souls of man.

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